CAFI's intervention approach focuses on building partnerships between the Executive Board and its coalition of donors and partner countries to support the latter in meeting their needs for sustainable management of land, forest and natural resources and implementing their low-emission development strategies. To establish these needs and strategies, countries develop multi-sectoral investment frameworks (or plans), covering all sectors affecting or affected by deforestation issues, that highlight the financing needs for an appropriate response. In the Republic of Congo, CAFI has therefore supported the development of a National Investment Plan (NIP) through a preparatory grant, a coherent and comprehensive investment framework covering all sectors affecting emissions from deforestation and the use of land and natural resources.
National partners:
Ministry of Forest Economy, National REDD + Committee
Implementing agency:
World Bank
All financial information may be found on the MPTF Gateway here.
dollars approved, transferred and spent
stakeholders consulted
complementary effects outlined in National Investment Plan
The National Investment Plan (NIP) was developed, finalized and published. It constitutes the reference framework for actions to be implemented in the period 2018-2025 and related to the reduction of emissions linked to deforestation, forest degradation and the increase of carbon stocks throughout the national territory, covering and articulating six complementary effects:
- sustainable forest management and the growth of planted areas
- development of sustainable agriculture, in particular through the development of savannahs
- reduction of unsustainable wood fuel extraction
- reduction of the impacts of mining activities on forest ecosystems
- improvement of intersectoral governance
- mobilisation and alignment of funding, in particular REDD+.
The NIP brings together national development strategies (as delineated in the National Development Plan of the Republic of Congo) and ambitions in terms of reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, as per the National REDD+ Strategy. It takes stock of ongoing activities related to the implementation of the National Strategy and identifies a portfolio of complementary, diversified sectoral and enabling measures designed to implement the National REDD+ Strategy over the 2018-2025 period.
Finally, the development of the NIP has enabled the creation of frameworks for intersectoral coordination and inclusive consultation of stakeholders, boosting the integrated vision of CAFI in the Republic of Congo and laying the foundation for the future partnership in terms of programming and institutional arrangements.
The NIP has been recognized by the CAFI Board as a solid foundation for initiating negotiations on the Letter of Intent. That letter, signed in 2019 at the highest level, sets out the respective commitments of the parties based on the needs and strategies identified in the NIP. The set of milestones was thus developed based on the results of the NIP development project.
Areas of Intervention
This program targets the national level.
This program is based on the National REDD+ Strategy.
Preparatory grant request to develop the National Investment Framework of the Republic of Congo
Preparatory grant request to develop the National Investment Framework of the Republic of Congo, 16 May 2016
16 May 2016
Republic of Congo - National REDD+ Strategy
Republic of Congo - National REDD+ Strategy , 1 Jul 2016
1 Jul 2016
Republic of Congo National Investment Plan (FR)
Republic of Congo National Investment Plan (FR), 28 Aug 2018
28 Aug 2018
Link to CAFI Drive - RoC Preparatory Grant for NIP
Link to CAFI Drive - RoC Preparatory Grant for NIP, 9 Mar 2021
9 Mar 2021
Photocredit: CN-REDD