31 January 2020 : Following the signature of the Letter of Intent in September 2019 between the Republic of Congo and CAFI, the CAFI Secretariat is launching today a call for Expressions of Interest (EoI) in order to select one or several implementing organizations to develop programmes according to the programmatic framework agreed between the Republic of Congo and CAFI, along the following 6 axes:
Programmatic axes |
Contribution fom CAFI (indicative amounts) |
1 | Land use planning/integrated and planned management of land uses | appr. US$ 10 M over 5 years |
2 | Development of agro-ecology and agro-forestry in savanah areas and degraded forests | appr. US$ 15 M over 5 years |
3 | Establishment, sustainable management and monitoring of the Permanent Forest Estate and the Non-Permanent Forest Estate | appr. US$ 5 M over 3 years |
4 | Development and implementation of guiding scheme(s) for the supply of sustainable energy of Brazzaville, and possibly Pointe Noire | appr. US$ 10 M over 5 years |
5 | Improvement of the system to undertake and monitor Environmental and Social Impact Studies and Strategic Environmental and Social Evaluations | appr. US$ 3 M over 5 years |
6 | Strengthening of the capcity of non-governmental actors to implement and monitor the commitments of the Letter of Intent | appr. US$ 2 M over 2 years |
Eligibility and selection criteria
Submitting organizations or consortiums will have to be, in line with the CAFI legal framework :
- agencies and programmes of the United Nations system
- the World Bank
- bilateral cooperation organizations, namely KFW, DFID, Enabel, AFD, GIZ, USAID, JICA and SNV
- international non-governmental organizations or research institutions, provided that they :
- have a collaboration agreement with the Republic of Congo and
- have implemented, over the past 5 years, projects in the Republic of Congo or the Congo basin region whose total enveloppe was at least US$ 5 million.
Criteria for selection will include experience, capacity, implementing approach, funding required and potential proposed co-funding.
The programmatic framework, call for EoI, its Terms of Reference, and submission form are all downloadable below.
RoC Programmatic Framework (in French)
RoC Programmatic Framework (in French), 31 Jan 2020
31 Jan 2020