
Under the leadership of the Ministry of Forest Economy and carried out by FAO with its partner GRET, the "Project to Strengthen the Sustainable Wood Energy Potential in the Republic of Congo", or "PROREP Wood Energy" aims to strengthen the sustainable wood energy potential of Brazzaville through the establishment of 2,700 hectares of quick-start agroforestry plantations for wood energy production. Aligned with milestone 7 of the Letter of Intent signed between the Republic of Congo and CAFI, that relates to the promotion of sustainable wood energy and renewable energy, the project is approved for a total amount of 7,000,000 USD from CAFI over 5 years. 

This project co-finances a larger project, PREFOREST, implemented by FAO, that aims to establish approximately 11,800 ha of agroforestry and forestry plantations, particularly for the production of wood fuel, with the financial support of the Green Climate Fund (GCF). Close collaboration and ongoing dialogue is taking place with CAFI to ensure the harmonious implementation of both projects to strengthen their impact. 

This expected impact in terms of CO2 emissions is estimated at 830,230 tonnes of CO2eq reduced over the 5 years of the duration of PROREP Wood Energy.

Country Results at Glance

National Partners

Ministry of Forest Economy


Implementing Partner

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

With technical support from GRET


All financial information is available on the MPTF Gateway here.


US$ approved


US$ transferred (2022-2023)


spent as of 31 December 2023


tonnes reduction in CO2 eq expected


hectares of quick start agroforestry plantations established in the Brazzaville supply basin


beneficiaries trained in agroforestry techniques and benefitting from secured access to land

Expected results  

  • The promotion of sustainable wood-energy contributes to climate change mitigation, concretely reducing CO2 emissions through forests (estimated amount of CO2 emissions reduced: 830,230 t CO2eq during the 5 years of the project).
  • 2,700 ha of quick-start agroforestry plantations for a sustainable supply of wood energy to Brazzaville will be established, in order to reduce the pressure on natural forests while improving the living conditions of the population. Specifically, this intervention aims to anticipate the creation of a sustainable wood-energy supply source that will feed the development of various land-use planning instruments underway, including the Brazzaville Sustainable Energy Supply Scheme and the Departmental Integrated Land Management Plans also financed by CAFI.   
  • The tree plantations will include manioc plantations to contribute to food security

Intervention area

The project focuses its interventions on the major deforestation and forest degradation points where the main wood-energy supply basins that feed the city of Brazzaville are located, which extend over the Plateaux and Pool departments, that have experienced a sharp increase in the rate of deforestation during the 2000-2016 period, 18,809 ha in the Plateaux and 14,687 ha in the Pool. The Pool and Plateaux departments are also heavily affected by forest degradation.

In May 2023, Ministerial decision n° 543/MEF/CAB-CN-PRONAR allocated 2,700 hectares divided in two blocks : 500 hectares in Bambou-Mingali in the Ignié District, and 2,200 hectares in Oniamva in the Ngo district.

Results as of 31 December 2023:

  • The promotion of sustainable wood energy contributes to climate change mitigation by concretely reducing CO2 emissions through forests (estimated amount of emissions reduced: 830,230 t CO2eq over the 5 years of the project).

  • 472 ha of agroforestry plantations have been planted with acacia on land located in Oniamva, in the department of Plateaux, in the Ngo sub-prefecture. These quick-start plantations have been set up to ensure a sustainable supply of wood energy in Brazzaville in order to reduce pressure on natural forests while improving living conditions for the population. More specifically, this intervention aims to anticipate the creation of a sustainable wood-energy supply source that will feed the development of the various land-use planning instruments currently underway, notably the Brazzaville Sustainable Energy Supply Scheme and the Departmental Integrated Land Management Plans also financed by CAFI.

  • 300 individuals have been selected and will be granted access rights to the secured land, and will receive regular support in the form of equipment and seeds, and capacity-building throughout the duration of the project. Support covers plot maintenance, plantation establishment, the introduction of intercropping, product marketing and the development of a business plan.


This programme contributes to achieving the milestones of the First and Second Letters of Intent signed between the DRC and CAFI, in particular:

- Milestone 7.1 (December 2025): The energy sector policy favoring sustainable alternatives to the consumption of wood energy from non-renewable resources is implemented, including the establishment of forest plantations for wood energy production.