To help catalyse funding to implement the National REDD+ Strategy of the Republic of Congo, CAFI supported the development of a project proposal for the Green Climate Fund (GCF) entitled “PREFOREST Congo – Project to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from forests in five departments in the Republic of Congo”.
National partner:
Ministry of Forest Economy
Implementing organisation:
Food and Agriculture organisation (FAO)
All financial information related to this project may be found on the MPTF Gateway here.
dollars in CAFI grant
studies finalized
people consulted (including 62 women) across 12 districts
Results and impact
The CAFI grant concluded successfully in 2019 and the PREFOREST Congo proposal was submitted to the GCF in January 2020.The CAFI grant played a catalytic role in improving the likelihood of approval by the Green Climate Fund, that may in turn leverage substantial climate funding and contribute to the implementation of Congo’s REDD+ national investment plan and the fulfillment of its Nationally Determine Contribution. In addition, the grant helped establish synergies and coordination among climate-related funding sources, initiatives and actors.
- Analysis of climate-friendly production and transformation models in agriculture, forestry and agroforestry, including their cost-benefit analysis, which can support the implementation of a national strategy for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation, plus the sustainable management of forests, and the conservation and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing countries (REDD+).
- Assessment of different models of sustainable use and management of wood resources for efficient charcoal production with reduced environmental impacts (including through forestry, agroforestry and/or assisted natural regeneration). The analysis of costs and the social, economic and environmental benefits of the different models was also undertaken.
- Study conducted on wood energy consumption at household level, and an assessment of feasibility, costs and models of cook stoves, aiming to identify the best alternatives for deployment in the framework of the project.
- An assessment of environmental and social risks in project areas, and development of the Environmental and Social Risk Monitoring Framework (ESMF).
- A consultative process with women in targeted project areas (five departments), a gender assessment in the context of the project and a Gender Action Plan for the GCF project.
- Identification of groups of indigenous people that could be affected by project activities, a consultative process with indigenous people to inform about the project, obtain their suggestions and confirm their initial interest and the development of an indigenous peoples’ action plan.
- Strengthening of stakeholder consultations on the GCF project proposal and development of a stakeholder consultation report.
- An economic and financial analysis of the project in order to assess the economic soundness of the project and its likely impact of project interventions.
Preparatory grant request (support to GCF proposal for RoC) - FAO
Preparatory grant request (support to GCF proposal for RoC) - FAO , 8 Jun 2018
8 Jun 2018
2020 - Final report for Preparatory grant to finalize proposal to the GCF (FAO)
2020 - Final report for Preparatory grant to finalize proposal to the GCF (FAO), 15 Feb 2020
15 Feb 2020
Link to CAFI Drive - RoC Preparatory Grant to GCF Proposal
Link to CAFI Drive - RoC Preparatory Grant to GCF Proposal, 15 Feb 2020
15 Feb 2020
Photocredit : Sam Sapin, Breakthrough Media, UN-REDD Programme