The Congolese Prime Minister, 11 line Ministries, and Ambassadors representing the CAFI Executive Board reached consensus to select implementing organizations that will develop new programmes covering 5 sectors and addressing deforestation drivers, for 45 millions US dollars. Two of these programmes were approved in June 2021. 

Two programmes were approved by the Executive Board in June 2021 (see decisions here and here) : the programme  - supported by FAO -  to help revise the Forest Reference Emissions Level for Congo and operationalize a transparent National Forest Monitoring System ; and the coordination programme in support of the Prime Minister Office - jointly supported by the Resident Coordinator Office and the CAFI Secretariat. 

The pipeline continues to develop, with :

  • The Agence Française de Développment (AFD) is developping a Land Use Planning Programme, of which 15 M will be funded by CAFI, that will include strategic activities from other key sectors, notably
    • a cartography of the agricultural estate
    • studies on the identification of the HCS and HVC and the peatland areas
    • sustainable energy supply master plans for Brazzaville and Pointe Noire to reduce unsustainable wood-energy consumption.
  • The AFD has also been requested to establish a portfolio of activities to undertake operational investments in the agricultural and forestry sectors, building on the findings and first results of the Land-use Planning programme, of between 15 and 20 million US $. Both programmes are to be co-funded by AFD.
  • In line with the 2nd axis of the programing framework (agriculture development), the World Bank was requested to integrate, by the end of 2020, 15 M US$ of co-financing from the CAFI Trust Fund into its “restructured” Commercial Agriculture Programme (Projet d’Appui au Développement de l’Agriculture Commerciale), with a specific focus on direct investments in agricultural development in savannah areas and efforts to implement the National Investment Plan for Climate-Smart agriculture and improve its legal framework. The World Bank is to ensure effectivity of its co-funding and alignment with the objectives of the Letter of Intent.
  • The FAO together with the NGOs GRET and Initiative Développement have been asked by a decision of the CAFI Executive Board to review their joint fast-start project towards a minimum of 2500 ha of agroforestry and forestry plantations for wood energy (7 million US $), and for improved cookstoves (1 million US $). Recommendations include a target of at least 500 ha planted by the second year of implementation. 
  • The GIZ was requested in May 2021 to develop a programme for the strengthening of the environmental and social control of activities affecting forest cover and biodiversity, up to 6 M US $.

All programmes will have to ensure representation and participation of civil society, local communities, and indigenous people , and the gender mainstreaming into planning and programme implementation.

Next steps

As per CAFI’s procedures, funding decisions are only taken after positive independent reviews of the project documents submitted to the Executive Board and the Government, and upon approval of the CAFI Board. Besides, these decisions take into account progress against the achievement of milestones, the availability of funds in the CAFI Trust Fund as well as the mobilization of additional funding in the Trust Fund.

In line with its commitment towards civil society’s, local communities’ and indigenous people’s representation, the Executive Board requested for the CAFI Secretariat to coordinate with the European Forest Institute (EFI) for the establishment of a Working Group to carry out the necessary mapping and gap assessments for the design of a civil society engagement approach, postponing the selection of the executing agency on this programme until an improved approach can be designed.

Similarly, the CAFI Secretariat will better define and detail the needs for a future project to engage the private sector expected to also to work on the mobilisation of private investments and innovative financing for “green activities” and sustainable natural resource management.

Link to CAFI Drive - RoC Programme Pipeline

Link to CAFI Drive - RoC Programme Pipeline, 25 Feb 2021

25 Feb 2021

RoC Programmatic Framework (in French)

RoC Programmatic Framework (in French), 31 Jan 2020

31 Jan 2020

Republic of Congo - Letter of Intent

Republic of Congo - Letter of Intent , 3 Sep 2019

3 Sep 2019