Forest Ecosystem Research and Monitoring - Gabon

Country Results at Glance


Gabon is home to 17.7% of the Congo Basin forest, the second largest tropical forest  after the Amazon rainforest. The region is subject to significant ecological, temporal and political variations. The ability of individual countries to monitor and understand trends in forest ecosystems, particularly in response to climate change, varies across the region. A thorough understanding of these dynamics is important to inform decision-making on forest management and climate change mitigation strategies.

National Partners:

Gabonese National Agency for National Parks ANPN
Gabonese Agency for Spatial Observations and Studies (AGEOS)

Implementing organisation:

The Nature Conservancy with IRET, University of Stirling, Duke University

All financial information for this programme may be found on the MPTF website here.


US$ approved


US$ transferred


US$ spent (as of June 2023)


research sites will be united with standardised scientific protocols


IRN plots and 300 biodiversity transects to be established


Gabonese students supported in their research on climate change

Investment Fund Section

Expected results

This programme is designed to strengthen the National Observation System for Natural and Forest Resources (French acronym is 'SNORNF'), supported by CAFI since 2018, in order to:

  • improve knowledge and understanding of forest ecosystem dynamics and trends in response to climate change
  • improve ecological monitoring and support long-term ecological research and monitoring sites
  • build capacity in climate change through rigorous post-graduate training.

The programme's positioning is that improved scientific monitoring combined with strengthened human capacity and infrastructure can inform environmental policy and natural resource management. Research and monitoring must produce data and knowledge that are useful for management. Similarly, policy-makers and managers must use the results in their decision-making.

Progress as of 30 June 2023

As recruitment was finalised in mid-2023, activities are expected to begin in the second half of 2023. The next update of this section will take place when the annual reports are submitted, in May 2024.

Link to CAFI Drive - Forest Ecosystem Research and Monitoring Project

Link to CAFI Drive - Forest Ecosystem Research and Monitoring Project, 11 Dec 2023

11 Dec 2023