- CAFI builds partnerships with countries to support them in meeting their needs for sustainable management of land, forest and natural resources and implementing their low-emission development strategies. To establish these needs and strategies, partner countries develop multi-sectoral investment frameworks (or plans), covering all sectors affecting or affected by deforestation issues, which highlight the financing needs for an appropriate response.
- With 47 percent of the national territory, or 28.3 million hectares, covered by forests, the Central African Republic (CAR) is a biodiversity hotspot. The CAR is simultaneously engaged in a transition between humanitarian aid and development aid and in a decentralization process, both strengthened by the recent signing of the Political Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation. Implementing the REDD+ process will support these processes, while ensuring the sustainable management of forest resources.
- REDD+ implementation requires intersectoral coordination with guidance from the highest level. The CAR development vision prioritizes decentralization, sustainable forest management, agricultural transition and transparency in the mining sector. National forest conservation objectives, for example, have been included in a high-level national dialogue. Major reforms in the area of land tenure and land use planning are associated with the decentralization process launched recently.
This preparatory grant from CAFI helped the Central African Republic prepare to enter the investment phase for its forests, through the development of a National REDD+ Strategy and Investment Framework.
National Partners:
National Climate Coordination (CNC) under the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development.
Implementing Agency:
World Bank (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development).
TEREA, IRAM, Agricultural Research for Development (CIRAD) and the University of Bangui
All financial information for this programme may be found on the MPTF Gateway here.
people from 94 organisations consulted
priority policies and measures identified
pilot zones identified: Bangui, South West, Bangassou Forest
US$ funded by CAFI and disbursed to the World Bank
US$ spent
interdepartmental REDD+ committees established
- Development of the NIF and the political dialogue with the Central African Republic have mobilized high-level government authorities, as well as technical and financial partners. The Prime Minister of CAR presented the NIF to CAFI in April 2020, reiterating the country’s commitment to pursue these objectives. The Government considers the NIF to be a strategic tool for implementing Pillar 3 of the RCPCA and achieving the objectives of its Nationally Determined Contribution.
- The CAFI preparatory grant made it possible for the National Climate Coordination, supported by its partners, to ensure participation and ownership by all stakeholders (three national workshops and 224 bilateral interviews).
- The NIF lays the groundwork for mobilizing REDD+ financing for an initial period (2020-2025). It identifies 27 priority actions to be implemented over this period to achieve the expected longer-term REDD+ results, that together, contribute to six main outcomes:
- Integrated and inclusive national land use planning and increased land tenure security;
- Adoption of sustainable harvesting and management practices of forest ecosystems and restoration of degraded landscapes;
- Reduction of unsustainable wood fuel harvesting;
- Development of an income-generating, job-creating, sustainable and "zero-deforestation" agriculture;
- Adoption of good practices for managing environmental and social impacts in the mining sector; and,
- Increased access to "green" finance for sustainable investments in the land use, land use change, and forestry sector.
- The draft Country Partnership Framework 2021-2025, between the World Bank and CAR, proposes the NIF as a progress indicator within its Thematic Area 2.
Areas of intervention
The NIF targets both national and local levels. Three pilot intervention areas are proposed to test innovative pilot REDD+ initiatives at the local level: Bangui and its periphery; the Dzangha-Sangha Protected Areas complex, with the Bodingue Mbaere Park, the Ngotto forest and the corridor connecting them; and the Bangassou forest.
- The NIF is aligned with the implementation approach of the National Recovery and Peacebuilding Plan in CAR for the period 2017-2023 (RCPCA) and, more specifically, in its Pillar 3, Promoting Economic Recovery and Stimulating the Productive Sector.
- The NIF is also the key tool for achieving the objective of the country’s Nationally Determined Contribution
Prodoc: CAR Preparatory Grant to develop the National Investment Framework
Prodoc: CAR Preparatory Grant to develop the National Investment Framework, 26 Sep 2016
26 Sep 2016
Summary Kick-Off Workshop Investment Framework (April 2019)
Summary Kick-Off Workshop Investment Framework (April 2019), 24 Apr 2019
24 Apr 2019
Photocredit : Peter Prokosch, retrieved on