With partner countries
CAFI's engagement with its partner countries has several phases:
- Partner countries develop and present their national investment frameworks, addressing all drivers of deforestation and forest degradation.
- Following a review of the national investment framework, the CAFI Executive Board (EB) agrees to support certain policy reforms and large scale programs.
- Through a Letter of Intent (such as the ones concluded with the DRC, Gabon and the Republic of Congo) the CAFI Executive Board and the Government of the partner country, represented by a government institution with inter-ministerial coordination mandate, agree on objectives and timebound targets in policy reform and programmatic performance (called "milestones"). They also agree to the corresponding financial support by CAFI, some of which (called tranches) depending on progress towards milestones.
- Partner countries develop and implement programs to achieve the milestones in the Letter of Intent with the support of implementing organisations.
- Throughout the process, CAFI maintains a high-level policy dialogue with the Government of partner countries.

Transparency and accountability
CAFI recognizes the importance of and reaffirms its commitment to transparency and accountability in all aspects of its operations in fulfilling its mandate.
CAFI will ensure the highest standard of transparency in all its activities through the effective dissemination of information to stakeholders and the public at large. Annex 1 of CAFI's Manual of Operations describes its information disclosure policy, through which CAFI recognizes the need to ensure public access and stakeholder participation in fulfilling its role.
Any person negatively affected or impacted by a program financed by the Fund may lodge a complaint. CAFI's complaints management mechanism is based on the principles of subsidiarity, legitimacy, accessibility, foreseeability and transparency, and described in Annex 2 of CAFI's Manual of Operations. Whistle blower protection is provided for in Annex 3 of the CAFI's Manual of Operations, and further detailed here.
Governance and Management
- The Executive Board, supported by the CAFI Secretariat, is responsible for partnership coordination with CAFI Partner Countries and decisions regarding the allocation of resources from the CAFI Fund.
- The Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office is responsible for administering the CAFI Fund.
- Implementing organizations (UN agencies, the World Bank, International Cooperation Agencies and international non-governmental organisations) and national governments implement activities.
To ensure flexibility, CAFI governance arrangements combine the light oversight mechanism of the CAFI Executive Board with a country-specific emphasis, either through existing relevant MPTF-managed National Fund or directly through national coordination structures.
Detailed information may be found in the CAFI Fund Terms of Reference.

To lodge a complaint, please communicate in French or English:
(a) By post: CAFI Secretariat, United Nations Development Programme, International Environment House, 7th floor, 11-13 chemin des anémones, Châtelaine CH 1219, Switzerland
(b) Via an e-mail to secretariatcafi@gmail.com
CAFI Terms of Reference ENG 03 2023
CAFI Terms of Reference ENG 03 2023, 31 Mar 2023
31 Mar 2023
CAFI Manual of Operations (English) updated September 2023
CAFI Manual of Operations (English) updated September 2023, 21 Apr 2023
21 Apr 2023
CAFI Risk Management Strategy 12 2022
CAFI Risk Management Strategy 12 2022, 21 Apr 2023
21 Apr 2023
Operational Manual of the National REDD+ Fund
Operational Manual of the National REDD+ Fund , 1 Aug 2013
1 Aug 2013
Terms of reference of the DRC National REDD+ Fund
Terms of reference of the DRC National REDD+ Fund, 30 Aug 2013
30 Aug 2013